Blaise Computing C ASYNCH MANAGER Functions

Here is a list of most of the functions in C ASYNCH MANAGER, a product formerly provided by Blaise Computing Inc. C ASYNCH MANAGER functions perform communication via the serial ports on an IBM-compatible PC under MS-DOS. File transfer is supported using the XMODEM, YMODEM, and ZMODEM protocols.

I can help you maintain programs that use these functions. See the description of the contract programming services I offer.

aansr_md    cwait_md    isdcd_md    rdtrm_a2    struc_md
adrsp_md    debug_ft    iwait_a1    read_ft    supp_ft
afer_ft    delay_a1    kfer_ft    reset_md    supp_md
ansr_md    dial_md    model_bc    resp_md    wait_a1
bflag_a1    drain_a1    oflsh_a1    retop_a1    write_ft
break_a1    fmove_ft    open_a1    retop_a2    wrtbk_a1
close_a1    getbr_a1    open_a2    rinit_ft    wrtch_a1
close_a2    getmc_bc    oqsiz_a1    setbr_a1    wrtst_a1
cmd_md    gocmd_md    pctrl_a1    setmc_bc    xyfer_ft
com_entry    hflow_a2    qsize_a1    setop_a1    zap_md
comgate    hngup_md    query_md    setop_a2    zfer_ft
crc16_a1    iflsh_a1    rcvch_bc    sinit_ft
crc32_a1    init_bc    rdch_a1    sndch_bc
csm12_a1    init_md    rdst_a1    stat_bc
csum8_a1    iscom_a1    rdtrm_a1    struc_ft

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Phil Davidson / / Last modified 30 September 1999