PREPARING COFFEE FOR BEFORE CHURCH ================================== WHERE TO FIND THINGS -------------------- REFRIGERATOR IN THE KITCHEN Half & half FREEZER IN THE KITCHEN (in plastic bags to keep fresh) Coffee beans (regular and decaf) Pound cake CABINET JUST OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN DOOR Coffee-Mate (non-dairy creamer) Granulated sugar (in a Tupperware tub) Extra napkins Extra paper towels Herbal tea bags (in clear plastic tubs) Extra stirrers? CABINET NEAR THE COURTYARD DOOR Square tablecloths (bright red or bright blue) DRAWERS UNDER THE BIG PERCOLATORS Tea bags (plain) Stirrers Masking tape (for labels) Markers (for labels) Napkins DRAWERS WEST OF THE BIG PERCOLATORS (UNDER THE SERVING WINDOWS) Spoons CABINETS UNDER THE BIG PERCOLATORS Thermos pitchers (labelled "coffee", "decaf", "hot water") Lids for pitchers Styrofoam coffee cups Coffee-Mate (non-dairy creamer) (sometimes) Granulated sugar (sometimes) DRAWERS NEXT TO THE FRIDGE Dish towels Aprons CABINETS ABOVE THE SMALL COFFEEMAKERS Coffee grinder Coffee filters Sugar bowls Cream pitcher (glass) Other glass bowls CABINET ATTACHED TO THE TELEPHONE Sugar bowls Cream pitcher (glass) Other glass bowls DRAWERS BELOW THE SMALL COFFEEMAKERS Sharp knives Big spoons and ladles Measuring spoons and cups CABINET UNDER THE SINK UNDER THE WINDOW Sponges Dishrack CABINET UNDER THE OTHER SINK Trays NORTHEAST WINDOW SILL BY THE KITCHEN DOOR Wastebasket liners --------------------------------- HOW TO MAKE COFFEE Make one pot (ten five-ounce cups) of regular coffee and one pot of decaf. Find two coffee makers (Mr. Coffee). Turn each one off! Each has a funnel above the coffee pot; the funnel slides out. Start by putting one clean coffee filter in each funnel. The coffee grinder is in the cabinet above the small coffeemakers. Remove the plastic lid, add beans to the grinder to the level of the rim, and replace the lid. Press the lid down to grind the beans. Don't grind them superfine. Pour the grounds into the coffee filter in each funnel. Amount of beans: Fill the grinder once to the rim, grind the beans, then grind half again as many beans. Fill each coffee carafe with clean cold water to the top as indicated on the carafe. Pour the water into the top of the coffeemaker. Set the carafe into the coffeemaker. Turn the switch on. (WARNING: As soon as your pour the water into the top of the coffeemaker, the water will begin to leak through the coffee grounds back into the pot. So don't pour the water until you're ready to turn the coffeemaker on and make coffee.) Prepare two large-size thermos pitchers. Label them "coffee" and "decaf". For extra credit, prewarm the pitchers with boiling water. When no more coffee drips into the carafes, transfer the coffee to thermos pitchers. (First pour out any water from the pitchers!) Turn the coffeemakers off and unplug them. When the grounds have cooled, discard the dirty filters. Wash the funnels and carafes. --------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS TASKS 1) BOIL HOT WATER, perhaps in two teapots. To light the stove, there is a lighter button next to the gas knobs. The lighter button works best on the left front burner. To light the other burners, get a match from the holder to the left of the stove, and ignite the match from a burner that's already burning. 2) For extra credit, WARM THE COFFEE PITCHERS with boiling water. Pour out the water before adding the coffee! 3) Prepare half a loaf of POUND CAKE. Line a basket (hanging on the wall) with a paper towel. Slice the half-loaf into about twenty vertical fingers. Put the pound cake in the basket and warm it in the microwave oven about 40 seconds. 4) PREPARE A WASTEBASKET with a clean plastic liner. Bring it upstairs and put it in the foyer next to a door to the sanctuary. 5) Don't pour the HALF & HALF into the little glass pitcher until you go upstairs. --------------------------------- ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS The small coffeemakers (Mr. Coffee) are on the same circuit with the microwave oven and refrigerator. Making two pots of coffee while using the microwave will trip the circuit breaker. You may want to plug one small coffeemaker near the large percolators, which are on a different circuit. The circuit breakers are down the hallway at the corner (opposite the restroom). --------------------------------- STUFF TO BRING UPSTAIRS BY 9:30 A.M. Wastebasket with clean plastic liner Tablecloth Tray Basket of pound cake One thermos pitcher of coffee One thermos pitcher of decaf One smaller thermos pitcher of hot water Styrofoam coffee cups Napkins Spoons and stirrers in a glass bowl Half & half Small glass pitcher for half & half Sugar & spoon in a small glass bowl Creamer & spoon in a small glass bowl Extra glass bowl for dirty spoons and stirrers Tea bags (herbal and plain) in a small glass bowl --------------------------------- STUFF TO DO UPSTAIRS Set everything out. Pour some half & half into a small glass pitcher. Welcome people! Ask people not to bring food or drink into the sanctuary. Clean up spills. ----------------------------------- AFTERWARDS (ABOUT 10:00 A.M.) Bring everything downstairs. Set up everything on a table in the fellowship hall. Put the extra half & half in the refrigerator. Set up one coffeemaker to make one more pot of regular coffee. (Don't pour the water into the coffeemaker yet.) Turn it on when church ends (about 11:30 a.m.). ----------------------------------- CLEANING UP AFTER SECOND LOOK (ABOUT 12:30 P.M.) Put the extra sugar and creamer back. Wash and dry the dishes and coffeemaker parts. Put all utensils and food away, bagging the food carefully in the freezer to preserve flavor. Leave dirty towels, tablecloths, and aprons out. ----------------------------------- CHECKING INVENTORY Note how much food is needed for next week. Label the supplies in the freezer and refrigerator if you don't want them used for other events. Coffee beans (regular) in freezer Coffee beans (decaf) in freezer Pound cake in freezer Half & half in refrigerator Herbal tea assortment ------------------------------------ Thank you! This quiet work is a gentle service to Christ's people and conveys some of his love. ========= 18 March 1999 PLD