Ann & Kent Moriarty's Note from La Paz

Ann & Kent sent this on Friday 28 November 1997 from Baja California.

-- Phil Davidson

Hello friends and family!

We are in the beautiful town of La Paz near the southern tip of Baja, having finally made it through the many many long desert sections of the peninsula. We were totally blessed by some cool experiences along the way: a fun birthday (for me) in the middle of nowhere with a family and Snickers bars from Kent; a beautiful time on several beaches on the eastern coast (what they say about the incredible water is true: aqua to deep blue with warm white sand and palapas to rest under); another time 100 km from La Paz, planning our Thanksgiving to be in a nice restaurant or something when a group of North American men came up and started talking -- turns out they're missionaries living in La Paz who invited us to Thanksgiving dinner! So we had the whole works: turkey, salads, pecan and pumpkin pie - WOW! It was capped off by phone calls to our families.

What else? We are planning to take the ferry to Mazatlán within a few days and then head east up into the mountains through Durango and to Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende. Our friend Michele is getting married in Guadalajara on 12/6 so we'll take a bus there for that and after spending some time in language school back in Guanajuato (there are mummies there that we look forward to seeing!) we hope to spend some time with David and Wendy Mark around Christmas in Mexico City.

Ann is in the process of writing the dispatch which will be coming within a week or so. That will fill in all of the details!

Love, Ann and Kent

Copyright (c) 1997 Ann Moriarty. All Rights Reserved.
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Phil Davidson / / Last modified 30 September 1999